Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Review #3: Dying to Get Published, by Judy Fitzwater

Review #3 - Dying to Get Published, by Judy Fitzwater

Genre - Mystery (humorous)

Amazon - Buy Now

I must admit that I haven't read a full length fiction novel that wasn't some how connected to a romanctic plot in quite some time.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good suspense book but I like to also have a romantic subplot as well.  With that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  This novel was highly entertaining and quirky.

The novel Dying to Get Published briefly lets us into the world of Jennifer Marsh, an unpublished and sometimes ditzy writer whose mental capacity I often questioned--with good reason--throughout the story.  She craves seeing her name on the cover of one of her many unpublished works and has a desperate desire to succeed almost to her own detriment.  Jennifer works out a scheme in her mind that seems to be the plot from one of her books and she allows herself to become swept away with carrying it out, all the while enlisting the help of others.  The eight unread manuscripts rivaled only by an equally tall stack of rejection letters are her driving force in plotting a murder that she's too nice to carry out, all in the name of fame.

As stated earlier Dying to Get Published is quirky and filled with many funny, head shaking moments.  I originally decided to get the book strictly based off of the title and cover.  I mean really, what aspiring writer struggling to get their name out there can't identify with a fellow writer who goes off the "deep end" just a little in the name of success.  I believe the writing bug probably makes everyone slightly loopy.  With that being said although there wasn't a huge amount of romance I enjoyed reading this book and felt that the author wrote a solid story, with a nice pace.  The interaction between Jennifer and her writing critique group as well as her unknowing partner in crime Sam Culpepper was really well scripted throughout the book. The only thing I wasn't completely sold on was some of the office scenes towards the end of the book.  It just didn't feel completely believable to me.  Overall it was a good read.  This book is the first in a series of six of The Jennifer Marsh Mysteries and I would absolutely recommend it as a funny mystery novel to pickup.

Author's website: http://www.judyfitzwater.com/

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New reviews in the works

Good morning and happy Wednesday all! Taking a break from my yearbook advisor duties and working on 3 new reviews #amediting SFL later